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  5. Mesh


LunchBox’s Mesh components enable users to perform geometric operations on mesh elements.

Component Descriptions

Below, each component is described and visual examples are given. We’ve also included special Notes and Tips that can help users with less familiar situations.

The Mesh dropdown menu in LunchBox for Grasshopper



Mesh Extrude

Extrudes a mesh along a vector, with options to extrude both sides of the mesh and make the resulting shape into a solid form.


  • A mesh
  • A vector
  • A boolean toggle, set to true to make a solid extrusion or false to extrude the profile edges only.
  • A boolean toggle set to true to extrude the mesh in both directions


  • A closed mesh
Mesh Extrude Example
Mesh Extrude in the Z axis example
Mesh Extrude in the Z axis, on Both Sides example

Mesh Offset

Offsets a mesh, normal to the face(s) of the mesh.


  • A mesh
  • An offset distance
  • A boolean toggle, set to true to make a solid extrusion or false to extrude the profile edges only.
  • A boolean toggle set to true to extrude the mesh in both directions


  • A closed mesh
Mesh Offset example
Mesh Offset example, with Both Sides enabled

Mesh to NURBS

Converts a mesh into NURB sufaces, sorted into Quad (four sided) and Tri (three sided) untrimmed surfaces.


  • A mesh


  • A list of Quads (Untrimmed surfaces with 4 sides)
  • A list of Tris (Untrimmed surfaces with 3 sides)
Mesh to NURBs example
Mesh to NURBs example, with color coded output. Quad faces are green, and Tri faces are blue.

Quad Remesh

Creates a Helicoid surface around the Rhino document’s origin point


  • A mesh
  • Quad Remesh Parameters
  • A Guide Curve, which must be on the surface of the mesh (optional)


  • A remeshed quad
Quad Remesh Example
Quad Remesh with Guide Curve example

Quad Remesh Parameters

Creates a Hyperbolic Paraboloid


  • An integer to control the number of quads
  • A boolean to enable or disable adaptive remeshing
  • An integer to control the size of an adaptive area
  • A boolean to enable the remesh to detect the edges of the original mesh
  • A boolean to enable or disable the remesh to maintain the edges of the original mesh
  • An integer from the available options:
    • 0: No symmetry
    • 1: Symmetry about the X axis
    • 2: Symmetry about the Y axis
    • 3: Symmetry about the Z axis
  • An integer from the available options to control the Guide Curve influence:
    • 0: Approximate
    • 1: Interpolate Edge Ring
    • 2: Interpolate Edge Loop
  • A target edge length, where a value of “0” disables the edge length parameter. Any value greater than “0” overrides quad size and adaptive settings.


  • Parameters to feed into the Quad Remesh component
Quad Remesh Parameters example
Quad Remesh Parameters – Changing the Quad Count
Quad Remesh Parameters – Adjusting the Adaptive size can enable the remesh to fill gaps caused by low quad counts.
Quad Remesh Parameters – Cycling through Symmetry options
Quad Remesh Parameters – Adjusting Edge Length

Mesh Edges (with Tolerance)

Returns the edges of a mesh as curves, accounting for an angle of tolerance, sorted into lists of Internal Edges and Naked edges.


  • A mesh
  • An angle of tolerance, where angles sharper than the input variable will be included as an edge


  • A list of curves for the Internal edges
  • A list of curves for the Naked edges
Mesh Edges example
Mesh Edges on a closed mesh and an open mesh. Note the changes in the output for each shape.

Mesh Reduce

Reduces the number of vertices and faces of a mesh.


  • A mesh to reduce
  • A target size – this should be smaller than the current number of faces
  • A boolean to enable or disable distortion
  • An integer to control the level of accuracy the reduced mesh should maintain relative to the original mesh
  • A boolean to enable or disable Normalization for the size of each mesh face. With Normalization enabled, the faces will be more uniform in size.


  • A reduced mesh
Reduce Mesh Example
Demonstrating the input variables’ effect on the reduced mesh

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