Tracer Documentation

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  5. EXPORT ISSUE: Tracer fails with an error “TypeMismatch” or “Method Not Found”

EXPORT ISSUE: Tracer fails with an error “TypeMismatch” or “Method Not Found”

  • During the exporting process, Tracer will encounter an error related to:
    • “System.ArrayTypeMismatchException”
    • “System.MissingMethodException: Method not found”
  • This issue stems from a conflict between Tracer and another Revit plugin. Revit may be loading an older version of a dependency while Tracer uses a newer version.
  • Revit does not provide a direct way to control how plugins and dependencies are loaded. As a work around, you may need to disable the other plugin(s) while using Tracer.
  • You may wish to reference Autodesk’s guidance on disabling plugins.
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  • Email with a detailed message.

Example “TypeMismatch” Error Message while running a Tracer export

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