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Rhino Models

Advanced Example – Arena Design

Version: V3

This example dataset provides an example of a multi-model ‘real world’ workflow for coordinating data between Rhino and Revit. The arena features a seating bowl, structure, seats, facade, and specialty objects.

Building Section Example

Version: V3

This sample shows an organized Rhino model containing building elements for Levels, Grids, Floors, Stairs, Roofs, and Facade components. Users can use this example to test imports into Revit.

Wall Element Example

Version: V3

This sample shows an organized Rhino model containing different types of Wall objects including – surface, solid, and ‘by face’. Users can use this file to test different methods for importing walls into Revit

Mesh Element Example

Version: V3

Conveyor implements novel mesh processing algorithms so mesh objects appear with hidden edges in Revit making them useful for documentation. This example shows importing some rock formations.

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