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  4. Setup your Rhino File for Revit Importing

Setup your Rhino File for Revit Importing

Supported Version: v1, v2, v3, and v4

Conveyor uses a combination of Layer organization and user text attributes to manage the translation of Rhino objects into Revit elements. Conveyor comes with utilities for setting up a Rhino file from scratch or exporting a Rhino file with setup information from Revit.

Option 1: Start with a new or existing Rhino file.

In Rhino 7, perform the following steps to setup your file for use with Conveyor.

  1. Run the “ConveyorSetup” (for V1), “ConveyorV2”, “ConveyorV3” or “ConveyorV4”, based on your version of Conveyor, command from the Rhino command line.
  2. Verify that the Conveyor nested layer structure has been created
  3. Select objects and assign them to Conveyor Categories and Types in the Conveyor UI panel. Refer to the Compatibility Summary.
  4. Save the Rhino file, then refer to the Conveyor Importer or Revit + Rhino Direct instructions.

Option 2: ‘Setup Rhino File’ from Revit

In Revit, perform the following steps to create a Rhino file that can be used with Conveyor:

  1. Run the “Setup Rhino File” command from the Revit ribbon
  2. Name and save your Rhino 3DM file to a desired location
  3. Open the Rhino file
  4. Verify that the file exported with Levels, Grids, and a Conveyor layer structure
  5. Assign objects to Conveyor categories using the “ConveyorSetup” command UI
    • Alternative: Assign objects to Conveyor layers using the Rhino layer manager.

Video Tutorial and Demonstration

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