Supported Version: v1, v2, v3, and v4
Conveyor uses a combination of Layer organization and user text attributes to manage the translation of Rhino objects into Revit elements. Conveyor comes with utilities for setting up a Rhino file from scratch or exporting a Rhino file with setup information from Revit.
Option 1: Start with a new or existing Rhino file.
In Rhino 7, perform the following steps to setup your file for use with Conveyor.
- Run the “ConveyorSetup” (for V1), “ConveyorV2”, “ConveyorV3” or “ConveyorV4”, based on your version of Conveyor, command from the Rhino command line.
- Verify that the Conveyor nested layer structure has been created
- Select objects and assign them to Conveyor Categories and Types in the Conveyor UI panel. Refer to the Compatibility Summary.
- Save the Rhino file, then refer to the Conveyor Importer or Revit + Rhino Direct instructions.
Option 2: ‘Setup Rhino File’ from Revit
In Revit, perform the following steps to create a Rhino file that can be used with Conveyor:
- Run the “Setup Rhino File” command from the Revit ribbon
- Name and save your Rhino 3DM file to a desired location
- Open the Rhino file
- Verify that the file exported with Levels, Grids, and a Conveyor layer structure
- Assign objects to Conveyor categories using the “ConveyorSetup” command UI
- Alternative: Assign objects to Conveyor layers using the Rhino layer manager.