Conveyor Documentation

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Q: Is there an educational version available?

  • A: We provide feducational licensing at a heavily discounted rate for students and professors. Please visit our Education page to learn more about this opportunity.

Q: How long is a commercial license valid for? Is there a renewal or subscription fee?

  • A: There is no renewal or recurring subscription. The price listed on our site is a one-time cost. When you purchase a license of Conveyor, it will not expire for the version you purchased it for. There are no renewal or recurring subscription fees for a license of Conveyor. Furthermore, existing users will be eligible for discounts on future software versions.

Q: Do you provide floating licenses?

  • A: You can presently download a license that includes multiple device activations. If you have the need for more flexible shared licensing, you can contact us to explain your IT needs and discuss a deployment that will work for your practice. Additionally, we provide Enterprise Subscriptions starting at 5 users.

Q: Is there a Mac version of Conveyor available?

  • A: Conveyor is a Windows-based application for translating Rhino elements to Revit. Currently, Revit is a Windows-only CAD application.

Other Workflow Tools

Q: How is Conveyor different from Rhino.Inside.Revit?

  • A: Rhino.Inside is a technology created by McNeel for Rhino 7, primarily operated through Grasshopper, a visual coding application. Our focus has largely been on the creation of user interfaces that can appeal to users of any skill level – no Grasshopper experience is required with Conveyor. Conveyor V2 (released March, 2021) and subsequent versions incorporate the workflow opportunities offered by the Rhino.Inside SDK to be compatible and extend Conveyor. You can see various previews of this on our YouTube channel.

Q: How is Conveyor different from free Free Solutions?

  • A: Conveyor has been built up through rigorous real-world project development and has been deployed at the enterprise-level in some of the largest design organizations in the world – it is not free but it is a very well supported. As a commercial software, we are able to fully fund the continued and regular development of the tool, offer reliable support to users, and publish freely available learning materials and documentation. You’ll get your money’s worth.


Q: How is Conveyor installed?

  • A: Conveyor is installed using a ClickOnce web installer provided as a link when you purchased the product. Depending on your IT settings, you may need administrative permissions to install. The installer will verify your license and install required plugin files for Revit and Rhino to your hard drive. Revit and Rhino should be closed during this installation.

Q: The installer is saying it could not validate the license. What should I do?

  • A: If you have entered your key incorrectly or you have no more device activations remaining, the installer will give you a message saying it could not activate the license and install the plugins. Please verify that you have entered in your license correctly (extra spaces are the most common culprit). If the issue persists, please contact us using the support e-mail indicated on your receipt.

Q: How do I remove Conveyor from my computer?

  • A: Using the same Conveyor ClickOnce installer, you can using the “Remove” button to delete any Conveyor files from your harddrive and reset your key. You can then remove the installer from your computer by going to Add/Remove programs on Windows.


Q: Can I import any Rhino geometry into Revit?

  • A: Rhino’s NURBS geometry kernel is far more flexible than Revit. As such, some geometry that you can model in Rhino are not easily imported. For example, Revit disallows self-intersecting surfaces and attempts to import this geometry from Rhino will almost certainly fail. Similarly, highly-complex isoparametric surface conditions can give Revit trouble.

Q: What Revit element types are Supported in the current version?

  • A: Conveyor presently supports the conversion of component families, adaptive components, mesh objects, floors, levels, grids, walls, rooms, massing, and more. Check our our compatibility summary here.


Q: Do you provide training or support services for firms?

  • A: Yes. You can request virtual or onsite training from Proving Ground through our contact page. Training tasks and fees may vary based on your needs. We also offer team and enterprise implementation services which includes training, coaching, and workflow support for your firm.

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